Sunday, March 8, 2015

The End is Near and It’s Only the Beginning.

SpeakLifeTV Logo

The finalization process of SpeakLifeTV’s business plans has begun and I can finally see it all coming together.  This company literally began as a hobby that I was extremely passionate about and has grown into an actual, tangible, living thing that even seems to breathe on its own.  I can honestly say that I’ve learned more about this company, what it does and whom it serves.  During this planning process I’ve learned exactly how important business plans are, why they are needed and what potential investors are looking for. 

According to the writers of “Growing Your Business” it’s best to write out your business plans so that, if there are going to be mistakes, the mistakes are done on paper.  Having your plan on paper will help you to see where you need to improve your marketing, sales and budgeting long before any money has been spent.  Taking ones time when finalizing business plans can be a long and drawn out process but a beneficial one nonetheless. In his article entitled “Top 10 Business Plan Mistakes to Avoid” Alan Gleeson says that business plans need to be consistent.  Working towards the continuity of your business plan should be one of your main focuses.  Being inconsistent can deter potential investors and set your business back months in the planning process. 

I’ve taken the time to hash-out this plan over the course a year and had the business in the works for a total of four years.  Knowing that the plan for SpeakLifeTV is solid, secure and that it has the capability to bring in additional funding is the achievement of a dream.   Everything is set, the official website is nearly completed, the merchandise store is stocked with products and all of our shows are in production.  The birthing of SpeakLifeTV has been a true testament to faith, consistency, persistence and the joy that hard work can bring.

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